The VOCAL LIBRARY helps you find your voice!


In just 3 MONTHS you can.

Join the Vocal Library


  • Feeling confident to sing and share your voice! 
  • Having the voice you always wanted!
  • Getting the tools to support you in consistently training your voice!
  • Having lifetime access to the very same practice tracks and techniques that EVERY professional singer has!
Join The Vocal Library












No matter where you’re at in your musical journey,

THE VOCAL LIBRARY is here for you!



With The Vocal Library Course you can expect to:


    Sing better!


    Sing on pitch!


    Sing with dynamics - effortessly!

  •  Learn effective breath techniques!

    Increase your vocal range- sing easily in chest, middle, and head voice!


    Train your ear so you can match notes easily - and sing on key!


    Learn to harmonize!


    Learn how to control your vibrato!


    Have the confidence you desire when you sing!


    Get the tools and techniques that every professional singer uses!

Join the Vocal Library

Here are previous students singing the praises of The Vocal Library

Rebecca Bondell

The Vocal Library:

My name is Rebecca and I purchased the vocal library after falling in love with Larisa’s frame drum course. I love the programs Larisa thoughtfully put together. Larisa has a loving and calm persona. Her teachings are clear, straight forward and the progressions make sense. The smaller videos allow you to practice minutes at a time and I often do so during my morning commute and love it. I’ve seen my voice and confidence improve and I’m singing now freely in front of others. Something I couldn’t say a few months ago. Thank you Larisa đź’ś

James Kapicka

I feel super grateful to Larisa Gosla. Like many of you, I have been told that I do not have a good singing voice, and I felt ready to unpack that programming and step into my unique expression and vibration. Larisa's approach and insight were incredibly kind, valuable and supportive. If you have ever considered stepping into finding your voice, I strongly encourage you to reach out to this lovely human. 

* * If you can talk, you can sing * *

Strengthen your voice to feel good and sound your best when you sing!

Join the Vocal Library

With The Vocal Library, you get the support and structure you need to develop your singing voice!

The Vocal Library is a 3-month singing program that is designed to support you as a technical singer.

 No matter what training or experience you have, you’ll learn the most effective tools for strengthening your voice, and tuning your ear!

 The Vocal Library helps you move out of your mind and truly sing from your heart and soul!

 It empowers you to KNOW that you can sing well, to TRUST your own voice.

 Singing is an INCREDIBLE way to express the depths of our emotions, challenges, triumphs, and stories.

 It can heal us, it can uplift us, it can empower us, and it can transform us!

 Singing is your birthright.

 To reach a state of REALLY FEELING GOOD about your singing voice, you’ve got to ‘train’ it.

  Your voice is a muscle. And just like going to the gym and training your body, your voice needs training too!

 The more you train your voice, your breath, and your ear, the more REWARDS you are going to REAP!

 You can sing in front of others with the CONFIDENCE that comes from consistent training!

The Vocal Library offers a Fun, Easy-to-Understand Online Training Program that gives you Lifetime Access to Essential Tools and Techniques.

Go at your own pace and explore the possibilities of your own voice.

Are you ready to sing from your heart and soul?

How does it work?

 When you sign up, you get access to login to your own portal, where you will watch and listen to different instructional singing lessons.

 There will be both audio and visual instruction.

 You start with the very basics and each week you get access to more singing exercises and breathing techniques as you continue to practice and develop your voice and ear.

 You'll learn proper breathing techniques, proper vowel placement, how to harmonize, how to sing using Solfeggio, how to sing in different keys, and how to set yourself up for success in effectively training your voice!

 You'll get detailed explanations and examples and then you'll get to put it into practice by singing to professional piano backing tracks!

 You get to go at your own pace and will always have the previous week’s lessons to review anytime you want, plus you'll have lifetime access!


Check Out The Inside of The Vocal Library!


All my clients LOVE The Vocal Library, and I know you will too!

Ashtani Akshagni

I have desired to become a singer/songwriter since I was a little girl. After some traumatic feedback from my mother and father as a child, my throat chakra became blocked and I developed a resistance to love my own voice despite its beauty and uniqueness. Last year, I wrote and produced my first conscious music record, and while I received only positive feedback from many, I still found myself in deep discomfort and dissatisfaction with my vocal and musical abilities. As I began writing material for my sophomore record, I realized that this next round of songs deeply call for me to step into my next level of empowerment and authentic expression. After hearing many friends speak praise about her program, I was guided to reach out to Larisa. Through Larisa's program and guidance, I have developed a new and exciting relationship to my voice, my creativity, and the medicine that is streaming through my channel. I have expanded my vocal range significantly and have refined my ear to become more skilled in harmonies; something I have always dreamed of, yet never had the formal training to understand and anchor. I feel a new sense of ease and grace around my expression, and I am grateful for these tools, for this work, and for Larisa's support and mastery. Whether you are a long-time musician or just starting out, I feel confident expressing that you will find this course supportive on your journey. That said, we get what we put in, so I invite you to be ready and open to implementing the practices and disciplines available through this program. You will not regret it! And most of all, inJoy!

Lots of love, light and many blessings on your vocal journey!

Let's break this down...

You might pay a "normal" vocal coach anywhere between $100-$500/ hour for an individual session (depending on who they are!) So instead of spending $1200-$1500 or MORE for 3 months of weekly lessons, you can grab it here for a fraction of that price!

  •  12 Weeks of Pure Vocal Training!
  •  Over 28+ Amazing Singing Exercises!
  •  Exercises for strong breathe support!
  •  Video and audio format!
  •  Easy to use! 
  •  Lifetime Access!


Valued at $1500

Now for just $189 USD! 

This Weekend Only

Sale Ends Sunday at 11:59pm CST


Join the Vocal Library


Your Instructor


I'm Larisa Gosla and I have been singing since I was 5!

I always knew that I came to Earth to SING and I've followed that divine calling my entire life. It has taken me to some pretty epic places! I’ve performed in front of thousands of audience members all across the globe, had my music go viral, and learned what it takes to BE THE TRUE AND AUTHENTIC singer of my own soul’s unique expression.

I believe that it is everyone's birthright to SING and that we are happier as individuals when we allow ourselves this self-expression!
Singing has the power to heal, to uplift, to transform!

That's why I've created an easy and effortless way for you to have the support of the tools and practice tracks you need in order to really train your voice!

These are tools that EVERY amazing singer will use, and I still use to this day!


More Testimonial


I recently I took an amazing vocal training course that truly moved my heart and soul. The beautiful time spent with Larisa Gosla was so powerful for me, it filled me with so much joy. I felt like I had finally answered my soul calling to work with my voice in an empowered way.

All the old stories about "I can't sing" fell away. And I began to find strength and ancient wisdom coming through my voice.

I felt ecstatic bringing song to my daily life and I felt the rising ability to use my voice in a healing context. In fact, my session work has dramatically shifted by bringing in the vocal resonance.

This has been the greatest gift I could have given myself. So much so that I would repeat it in a heartbeat.

I invite anyone who has been wanting to expand the power in your voice, to sing with delight and fun, to share songs in ceremonies...Do this course, you will thank me for it later, I promise.

Larisa is masterful in her approach, lovingly guiding you through any fears, supporting you with her wisdom to your next level of greatness.

No more excuses!

It’s time you finally gave your voice the attention and love it deserves.

The YOU on the other side is so much better!


I’ll see you inside!